Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Will obama move now on this issue?

I always hear it said that "when guns are outlawed,only the outlaws will have guns"..well yeah...duh...the idea is to disarm the people who would resist the socialist/liberal/democrat type of government....since criminals are the ones who benefit from that type of a system;i.e. welfare,food stamps,medicare,public housing,midnight basketball and all the rest,why the heck would THEY revolt or resist the Government? They keep their guns and the "Takers" don't even try to get them.....its the people whose taxes will be needed to pay for those programs that will revolt and therefore need to be disarmed....THAT'S why the drive to "Disarm America" has always been spearheaded by the "Elite Democrat" type of liberal..Kennedy,Obama,Feinstein,Schumer… their minions,of course...the Rosie's and others of that ilk... why you think only the honest and the helpless should be disarmed?

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