Sunday, August 14, 2011

I'm 12 and I'm getting $20,000 and...?

Hi. I'm 12 and in about 3 months I'm getting $20,000 CAD and I don't know what to do with it. It might be hard to believe but it's true....but anyways I want to use it wisely, and I'm not someone that would just go crazy and buy everything I have ever wanted or anything. I was thinking I'd buy something cool that I can make money off of in the future, like what gold investors do...kind of. I was thinking i might buy a genuine Rolex watch, as they are very cool and they hold their value very well, so if I ever wanted to sell it, i could possibly make money off it, and if I didn't make money off of it, I atleast wouldn't lose any money. I was also thinking I might save it for a car when I turn 16 or something. So what are some things I can buy/invest/save for?

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